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Watch out for coverage of RSPB Ouse Fen/Hanson’s Needingworth quarry in Cambridgeshire on this Sunday’s Countryfile programme (18.30on BBC 1, details here).

As part of an ambitious working partnership between the RSPB and Hanson UK, this working sand and gravel quarry is gradually being restored to create the UK’s largest reedbed to benefit bittern (up to 10 booming males on site so far), marsh harrier, otter, bearded tit and other wetland habitat specialist species.

In particular, the programme will be looking at how the site is being managed for nature and will feature the creation of fish sanctuaries.

NAM is looking forward to more people getting to hear about the huge benefits which nature-led minerals restoration can represent for both declining species and habitats and for local communities.

Once completed, the site will contain 32 kilometres of public access paths. Located some 20 miles from the centre of Cambridge, this growing reserve will eventually represent a wonderful opportunity for people to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and re-connect with nature close to home.

NAM will be paying a repeat visit to Ouse Fen in September with the running of a training course on the Creation of reedbeds for all interested minerals restoration stakeholders. Details of this and other courses will be released imminently.

Happy viewing!