Making the Fens sustainable and resilient!

There has been a Fenland Partnership since the early 1990s. 

The name of the partnership has changed several times as momentum for initiatives has arisen and then dwindled. Over the years the partnership has broadened from environmental organisations to strengthen its links to the agricultural and business community.

Each organisation operates individually carrying out their own work and projects for the Fens but come together collectively to join these projects up across the whole fenland to strengthen the work and promote the progress being made.

Our broad aim is to further the development of a partnership approach to the landscape-scale nature conservation in the Fens.

Our Vision is to see the Fens become sustainable and resilient to climate changes for the benefit of people, our natural and historic heritage and the rural economy. 


  • Maintain and enhance the existing wetland habitats with a network of corridors and ‘stepping stones’ across the Fens.
  • Help Fenland to adapt to the challenges of climate change.
  • Encourage best practice for land management to improve biodiversity, water and soil quality
  • Support the fenland economy which will promote the natural and cultural heritage of the Fens for people to celebrate and enjoy. 


  • Support the development of practical approaches and techniques for establishing corridors, buffer zones and sustainable use areas.
  • Maintain up to date information on the Fens and commission further work.
  • Encourage the establishment of multifunctional wetlands that support biodiversity, natural heritage and management of water resources.
  • Undertake work to encourage improvements to habitats and water quality along the ecological network.
  • Raise awareness of the Fens to support development of tourism opportunities to benefit the area's economy and communities

Achievement will be:

  • Increased wetland habitat fitting with a farming landscape
  • A network of corridors and ‘stepping stones’ connecting the habitats
  • Increased land managed using wildlife friendly practices
  • Improved water quality across the Fenland and the ecological network corridors
  • The Fens are recognised for sustainability, food production, biodiversity and heritage