Making the Fens sustainable and resilient!

Seen on camera!

An IDB in Lincolnshire installed an artificial otter holt on one of the water channels in their area. The Otter cam which was also installed was brought in recently for review and there are several videos from recent weeks showing adult otters using the artificial holt. While brilliant news, it’s too early to say if they’ve taken up residence to breed or are just using the holt to lie up but time will tell.

While not 100% certain, it is felt that this is the first evidence of otters using an artificial holt for an IDB in Lincolnshire but if anyone can confirm this please get in touch.

Needless to say, IDB colleagues are thrilled with this result! The location must not be disturbed by anything more than necessary routine works by the Board and the landowner to help encourage the otters to stay.